Precision Measuring Instruments for Metrology

Standard Instrument
Following are the materials that can be termed as standard Instrument:-
- Guage Block also known as Jhonson Blocks
- Micrometer Standards
- Height Master, etc.

Instrument for measuring height
Following are the materials that can be used for Measuring Height:-
- Vernier Height Gages
- Dial Height Gages
- Digimatic Height Gages, etc.

Instrument forr measuring inside dimension
Following are the materials that can be used formeasuring inside dimension:-
- Vernier Calipers
- Dial Calipers
- Dial Caliper Gages
- Inside Micrometers (3 point internal micrometer)
- Bore Guage, etc

Instruments for Measuring Comparison Measures
Following are the materials that can be used for Measuring Comparision Measures:-
- Dial Bore Gages.
- Dial Indicators.
- Dial Test Indicators.
- Indicating Micrometers.
- Digimatic Height Gages.
- Dial Gage Stands, etc.

Instruments for Measuring Surface Roughness
Following are the materials that can be used for Measuring Surface Roughness:-
- Surftest.
- Precision Levels.
- Dial Test Indicators, etc.
Metal Cutting Tools

Milling Cutters & End mills
Milling Cutters & End mills can be divided into the following categories
- Side & Face Cutters
- Staggered Tooth Side and Face Cutters
- Slotting Cutters
- Metal Slitting Saws
- Equal Angle cutters
- Convex cutters
- Concave cutters
- Shell End mills
- Taper Shank End mills – Standard Series
- Taper Shank End mills – long Series
- Taper Shank Slot Milling Cutters
- Taper Shank Slot Drills
- Parallel Shank End Mills
- Parallel Shank Slot Milling Cutters
- Parallel Shank Slot Drills.
- Woodruff Key Slot Milling cutters
- Woodruff Keyseat Cutters
- 'T' Slot cutters with Taper Shank
- 'T' Slot cutters with Parallel Shank
- Roughing Taper Shank End mills
- Roughing Parallel Shank End mills

Tungsten Carbide Tool
Tungsten Carbide Tool can be further divided into the following categories:-
- Carbide Tips & Inserts
- Carbide Rounds
- Carbide Flats
- Carbide Tip Tool as per IS & special
- Solid Carbide End mill
- Solid Carbide Drill
- Solid Carbide Slot mill
- Solid Carbide Reamer
- Solid Carbide Taps
- Carbide Tipped index able milling cutters & Face mill cutters
- Tungsten carbide Rotary Burrres cutters
- Carbide Brazing Tools viz Boring Tool, Parting Tool - ISO1, ISO2, ISO3, ISO4, ISO5, ISO6, ISO7, ISO8, ISO9 Carbide Inserts

Diamond Cutting Tool
- Electroplated & CBN quoted diamond tools

Get the material straight from the authorised stockist Drills can be divided into the following cateogries.
- Parallel Shank Twist Drills – Jobber Series
- Parallel Shank Twist Drills – Stub Series
- Parallel Shank Twist Drills – Long Series
- Parallel Shank Twist Drills – Extra Long Series
- Taper Shank Twist Drills
- Taper Shank Twist Drills – Long Series
- Taper Shank Twist Drills – Extra Long Series
- Taper Shank Core Drills
- Centre Drills, etc